The human journey is part physical and part myth. The Sepiroth is a map in which these two aspects converge. As man comes to full spiritual maturity, he reaches the "Horizon of Eternity" (see Sephiroth diagram) to become an active Citizen of Two Worlds; The World Above and The World Below the Abyss.
The Sepiroth represents the Tree of Life, with its roots in matter and its branches spread out to the far ends of the Universe. To ensure the proper growth of this tree, and a bountiful harvest of the "Fruit of Consciousness", The Tree needs pruning from time to time. While this regenesis is underway, Star Ship Earth is caught in a "wrinkle in time."
To guarantee a happy ending for THE GREAT WORK, God makes agreements (secret or otherwise) with various people, and groups of people. The 20th Century is no exception. It is done just the same today as was done with the prophets of old. Records show that the chosen show reluctance when first told this news. Thus it is written: "It is not you who chose me. It is I who have chosen you." John 15:16
So it is with modern "Chosen-ees" who are required to undergo an excruciating initiation in the "Hall of Riddles." After initiation, and the placement of one's "Shewbread" on the Sepirothic Altar, comes a wealth of correlations and timeless evidence, as light points and ley lines converge to form into the divine SIGNATURE of the TREE OF LIFE in a coherent pattern in the human mind.
This SEPIROTHIC SIGNATURE appeared in the crop fields near Barbury Castle, on May 2, 1997. See and It signifies "God's in His Heaven, all's right with the world." The illusion of a powerless absent landlord God is over.
The timing of this graphic is most appropriate. Just in time for MERLIN - King of Celtic Magicians birthday, in the magical Month of May. Those who are driven on an unceasing inner quest to solve the MYSTERY OF GOD, become MASTERS of the SEPIROTH (3.7 Adept. The 13th Tribe is proud to lay our tribal shewbread on the table, at the point indicated in the ancient diagram.
The Mayan-Myth-God Quetzalcoatl, (the old biblical serpent of wisdom who tempts man to defy the Mythical Gods which correlates to Odin in the Nordic Mysteries) is portrayed as being the serpent which coils around the foot of the TREE OF LIFE, biting its own tail. This is the completion of the sacred geometry of the Priory of Sion. Blessed be the SERPENT who told Eve, "Thou shalt not surely die..."
A Sacred Covenant was made between ALMIGHTY GOD and the re-assembled 13th Tribe of Levi on the 27th of September, 1973. We were a genuinely archetypal institution. My abduction was not co-incidental but part of the Grand Design. It represented the birth of a New Earth Nation - GENESIS II. The child I carried was called THOTH, (though at the time I first heard this word it mean't nothing to me.)
Thoth suggested that we link in all the threads to the old narrative... the Original Intent of the Egyptian Thesis. The concept of a "Dying God" broken into little pieces for the nourishment of His People, was a familiar Anglican Church theme of my youth. I understood that death and resurrection are a single circuit. Jesus dies for all of us so we all get resurrected into the Kingdom of Heaven together. You can't have one without the other. THE ONE multi cellular being which includes every molecule in the Universe itself undergoes a lengthy METAMORPHOSIS until we open Window 5.12 at ZARG AWAKE!!!
"The Book of Thoth" and the deck of Tarot cards that go with it, is like a spreadsheet where the interdimensional paths can be fitted in. Each piece of this puzzle is coded. Decoding the Eternal Truth contained in each piece and fitting them into the expanded DNA concept via the COSMIC CUBE. It represents the finished product of Genesis II, the expanded Universe into which humanity is thrust upon its spiritual completion.
In the past twenty years I have written reams of appreciation for all the players in my game of life... The Gods, the 42 assessors of the dead, Rex Mundi, the whole cast of the Mythraic Kingdom. As I passed the tests each one gave me a gift of consciousness. Each one of these huge Cells/Mind Pods in the Cellular One is the Master of its own Galaxy of infinite consciousness. Each is jealous of being a Perfecti (3.3.) As we enter the New Narrative of GENESIS II and the rise of MATRIARCHAL WORLD CONSCIOUSNESS, we move from Yang- thrust to Yin-stabilization, and male female equality in the YIN YANG UNIVERSE. It was 20+ years before archaeologists proved the truth of what RA KAHN, The Sun King, had taught us regarding Atlantis. That is to say, in recent times archaeologists have proven that the concept of the pyramids was inherited from a more ancient civilization, which was clearly A GALACTIC CIVILIZATION, which can be traced back to the exact geometrical holograph of the belt of Orion in 10,500 BC. The Sphinx is even older than that, in the age of Leo.
This same sacred geometry known to the pre-historic ancients was passed on the Knights Templar. Henry Lincoln, co-author of the controversial "Holy Blood and Holy Grail/Messianic Legacy" books, has made a great video series explaining the principles of sacred geometry. All of these paths lead to the HORIZON EVENT.
The HORIZON EVENT of the Sepiroth is the return to Matriarchal Principles of co-operation rather than competition. This age is obvious to everyone who understands share ware on INTERNET. We, are "Risen from the Dead" as conscious light particles of Eternity. We may look as if we are still going forwards in (+T) - but in truth we are travelling through (-T) taking all the treasure houses of the 20th Century in our cargo hold... (see The Chronicles of Galaxia - Listing #4.)
Following the Sephirothic path, the 13th Tribe moved through Cyberspace to Hyperspace, taking on Star Fleet Officers along the way. Scarlet sins no longer apply. Regardless of any spiritual-criminal record, all souls are welcome. Passing through the electronic "Needles Eye Gate/Ankh" is the key. Only then, in absolute spiritual humility, can we see the Cosmic Lovers and the incredible beauty of the GREAT WORK.
DIVINE LOVE is the SUPRA ORDINATE FACTOR of The Universe. Its message dawns upon us when we recognise that it includes every molecule in the Universe regardless of its stage of intellectual development. The Human Family is a primary focus of this love.
In order for the True Human Family to emerge on Planet Earth, there had to be an understanding of relationship of things both natural and supernatural worlds within worlds ad infinitum. For this to happen the 13th Tribe was taken beyond the time barrier, after which we received regular shortwave messages on the radio. Here we found that KARMA is a Cosmic Law of Supreme Wisdom and man can either deny and defy it or surrender to The Light.
Universal Law works for the good of all. Balance is the key to a limitless Heaven on Earth, which, modern technology can hold at rest at all times in perfect equilibrium. This neutral perspective, in which everyone is equal, is the "rock" on which we will build Genesis II. The neutron is the opening gambit of New Earth, Genesis II narrative. All the Gods are "Neutroni" acting in the "noosphere." Although the function (default drive) of The Eternal One remains constant across Infinity, the component names can change as different functions come into play: Osiris-Isis: Jahl-Sasoleah: Yang-Yin (+1)+(-1)=0 - no difference.
For answers see Cosmic Cube Circuit 8.11, Correlations, as we move from Fission and Fusion in the Unified Field. ET returned to our human mind-scene in the mid 1940's during WWII, thus precipitating the formation of Israel and the completion of this aspect of the mythically-perfect timing. The peoples confidence in the old system was destroyed. The 13th Tribe demonstrated that there can be no credit and no value in the paper money of a bankrupt system. The collapse of the world economy had already happened. Human leaders do not see through the slow imperceptible ways of Nature. During the abduction I knew that the end of the world as we knew it, had already occurred. I explained this on the radio in Vancouver, in June 1976. Radio Host Jeff Green of Ottawa, heard the broadcast and wrote a radio play about it. e-mail
The "ATLANTEANS" and the "GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT FORCES" fulfil the same function. These are the Cosmic Engineers who come to establish the New Narrative and put a new default drive in the Motherboard as the Genesis I electron completes its cycle. Spiritual infancy is a learning period. But childhood cannot last for ever. Like the shaping of earth and of our bodies, we do not notice changes until there is a sudden event which cracks the shell of the Cosmic Egg... such as THOTH has provided.
This HORIZON EVENT is SYNCHRONY (7.7.) Synchrony reveals an entirely new, preplanned concept of civilized history. It is based MCE - mean chance expectation or the link up of "coincidences" (Circuit 4.7/7.4) which are unconnected in the present interpretation of human history. Synchrony reveals an unsuspected underlying connection between time, space, man and significant events in the growth of human consciousness. The precognitive story of the sinking of the Titanic, 12 years before the physical event, for example, illustrates that coming events cast their shadow before them.
This is confirmed in the Sephorithic interpretation of the "Book of Thoth" which explains man's passage through the Universe in clear and simple terms. When studying these passages we sang the song "Midnight Blue" for deep indigo is the colour of the Saturn, The Lord of Time, and the rhythm of the Hierophant is such that he only makes his one move every 2000 years.
There is a tapestry of The Hierophant before the altar of the coptic church in Toronto. It is the image of Jesus Christ with his fingers crossed in the mystical symbol of The Hierophant of Paganism. It is Christ seen in balance - Half Divine Law - Half Pagan Love Song... Parcival the Knight Errant, or THE FOOL in the Tarot. It is in the deepest strata of psychological consciousness that the physical and mythical worlds converge into one.
Members of the 13th Tribe were shown the urgent need for Yin-Yang equilibrium on many levels. The social collapse that is happening now is Divinely Inspired, yet man made. It is Gods way of making sure he gets his moneysworth out of every contract. God The Energy Bank Manager, Master of The Universe, says "Man your educational credit has run out. We now move to regeneration or death." Amen!
We were moved into an ARENA OF LIGHT. Global politicians are dimly aware that the collapse has gone beyond the point of no return. UFO abductees were some of the scapegoats whose activities were recorded as criminal in order to postpone the day of reckoning.
Once safely settled in timelessness, we could watch human leadership floundering in the quicksands of amorality. All Kingdoms which are not built on "the solid rock" of Universal Law must pass away - see for details of Universal Law and the Genesis II program.
Corporate kingdoms get sucked under every day in commercial wars. The public is caught unaware. They cannot see the consequences of this power buildup or how the global collapse has been helped by a host of little thought-form demons called "tolpoids." That is to say the implanting of greed and fear symbols in the mass mind to tighten the control of those who promote the "New World Order."
This phenomena displays the most cunning science/art of tactics and strategy in PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE. Window 9.11 of the Cosmic Cube shows us how multiple thought forms dance the "Dance of Shiva."Each thought helps in the self destruction of Genesis I. The "Shiva function" correlates philosophy and science in that the Hindu God "Shiva" is actually a super-physics function of creation/destruction, the same as the biblical JHVH.
Greed has caused Earth leaders to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, (GAIA) and decay has set in. Putrification is the last stage of the renewing alchemic formula. Rising from this decay comes a cloud of "KRYPTONIQUE" - the "swamp gas" of ancient wisdom. It is exactly as David Hamel of Gilmour, Ontario, who built the prototype of a Star Ship, explained many years ago. See
It is like "Universal Birth via Nebula:" The bursting of the cosmic egg to release the essence and star seed knowledge of the ancestors. Modern technology allows 20th Century Man to assimilate this "Nectar of The Gods." For those who will listen the way out is a great adventure in the practical and skilful use of consciousness. With it we can create new values, new money and security for us all, now abundance through co-operation and new understanding of the power of consciousness.
The Sepiroth explains why the Great Work happened this way? God said he would send a strong delusion to cause questers to get beyond the great deception of division within The Kingdom above and The Kingdom below the Abyss. The Elect are not deceived. But this spectacular test speaks out against of the oppression and covetousness of temporal rulers.
In Isaiah 5.20 The Master said..."Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe unto them that are wise in their own eye."
God makes secret agreements with people in the 20th Century, just the same as was done with the prophets of old. Records indicate that these ancient men were not too enthused when the Divine Command first came. "It is not you who chose me. It is I who have chosen you." John 15:16 was the response.
So it is with modern UFO abductees. The symbolic Mayan Serpent God, Quetzalcocatl is alive and well in a human habitat. This is the same serpent which coils around the foot of the TREE OF LIFE as its guardian, in similar legends of Odin and so forth. Blessed be the SERPENT who told Eve, "Thou shalt not surely die..."
A Sacred Covenant, made between ALMIGHTY GOD and the 13th Tribe on the 27th of September, 1973. It was the birth of a new nation. To find the logical consistency we had to link in all the threads of the old narrative, to complete the view of the Genesis I circuit. In Metaphysics, we call this the Golden Chain of Thoth-Hermes.
The concept of a "Dying God" seems strange, before the understanding that death and resurrection are a single circuit. You can't have one without the other.
The TAROT (Book of Thoth) is like a filing cabinet where all of the pieces can be fitted in by The Initiates. Each piece in this puzzle is coded. I had to extract/decode the Eternal Truth contained in each piece and fit them into the expanded human DNA which is part of the COSMIC CUBE.
The Cube is like a giant video game. It represents the outline of a 7-Day Genesis II, and the expanded Universe into which we are thrust in the implosion through the ANKH. Scarlet sins no longer apply. Everyone can access the Horizon Event, regardless of a spiritual criminal record if they can get through the 4.1 "Needles Eye Gate" of repentance and spiritual humility.
Balance is the key to a limitless Heaven on Earth, which rests at all times in perfect equilibrium. This is the "rock" on which to build Genesis II, the New Earth Narrative. As always in these matters, although the function (default drive) of The Eternals remains constant across Infinity, the names change with the times: Father and Mother Goddess; Osiris-Isis: Jahl-Sasoleah: Yang-Yin (+1)+(-1)=0 - return to the Unified Field = E=mc3 = no difference.
Answers can be found in Circuit 8.11/11.8 CORRELATIONS. In the final analysis we move from Fission and Fusion in the Unified Field, vit vit. (For 1000 years anyway, 'til we hit the next learning curve.)
ET came onto our scene in perfect timing. The peoples confidence in the old system was destroyed but only far sighted people could see it. The 13th Tribe was required to demonstrate that there can be no credit and no value in the paper money of a bankrupt system. The collapse of the world economy had already happened. Human leaders do not see through the slow imperceptible ways of Nature. When the Star Fleet landed, it was the end of the world as we knew it. I explained on the radio in Vancouver, that this had already occurred.
The "ATLANTEANS" and the "GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT FORCES" fulfil the same function. We are the Cosmic Engineers, The Eternals who come to establish the New Narrative and put a new default drive on the Motherboard when Genesis I was done: It was OK for spiritual infants but childhood cannot last for ever. Like the shaping of earth and of our bodies, we do not notice changes until there is a sudden event which cracks the shell of the Cosmic Egg... such as Pierre Levesque, our Leader at Coe Hill, provided for us. The "Book of Thoth" explains the Universe in clear and simple terms. We sang the song "Midnight Blue" - for deep indigo is the colour of the Saturn, The Lord of Time, and the rhythm of the Hierophant is such that he only makes his one move every 2000. There is a tapestry of The Hierophant before the altar of the Coptic-Christian church in Toronto. It is the image of Jesus Christ with his fingers crossed in the mystical symbol of The Hierophant of Paganism. It is Christ seen in balance: Half Divine Law - Half Pagan Love Song... Parcival, THE FOOL, in Mythology.
The social collapse that is happening now is Divinely Inspired, yet man made. It is God The Energy Bank Manager saying "Man your credit just ran out. So lets get moving to regeneration or death." Amen!
Global politicians are dimly aware that the collapse has gone beyond the point of no return and needed scapegoats. We can watch them floundering in the quicksands, as do all Kingdoms which are not built on "the rock."
Corporate kingdoms get sucked under every day in commercial (Patriarchal) wars. They cannot see the consequences of their actions or how GAIA is being crucified. Putrification is the last of the alchemic formula. Rising from this decaying swamp of civilization comes a cloud of KRYPTONIQUE, exactly as Abductee David Hamel who built the prototype of a Star Ship, explained when we went up to inspect years ago.
The climax of the GREAT WORK is like "Universal Birth via Nebula" in that the bursting of the cosmic egg releases the essence of the knowledge of the ancestors.
The way out is a great adventure in the practical and skilful use of consciousness. With it we can create new value, new money and security for us all, now abundance through co-operation and new understanding of the power of consciousness.
In self-righteous arrogance, we know there are those whole believe in violence and will stop at nothing to achieve the total domination of this planet. We know all these dark forces already possess the power to destroy all life by military suicide. On most commercial TV channels the mind feels as if it is watching a long dark tunnel. leading into an underworld where crudity, and violence, and racial hatred, is still predominant.
On the Star Ship at the round table which I have so often described in books, we watched the All Seeing Eye of Thoth open. We were shown how to prepare an ecclesia which would be of great value in the FINAL HOUR of the old world system: The end of the world as we know it. This is where everyone gets off the old train of thought and MIND takes on a whole new and positive direction.
The Cosmic Cube formula upgrades the Egyptian Tarot into 21st Century specifications. On the same night as I received the formula I was implanted with the Star Child - Thoth. It was his function to splice his Higher Mind onto my earthly consciousness.
The first move was to use divine love to unlock this 8.5 energy to form a core group. Then we formed a number of groups that were united across the country as cells in a body. In this way we worked in conjunction with other small groups and cosmic communities in the country. We were linked together by a grapevine system, often visiting and exchanging literature without anyone being jealous or not wanting to give full co-operation to a group of brothers and sisters, wandering like ourselves, to find our designated place in the "New Earth Era."
The Angels made it quite clear that COMMON OWNERSHIP is the only tenable cosmic solution. It is at once an evolutionary instrument and at the same time a very practical solution to earths economic and political problems. The UN has the power to bring this state about.
The authorities were most displeased when we successfully demonstrated this practical value of common ownership, as IT THREATENED THE ECONOMY. But humble obedience to the inner radio could not be thwarted. Our group's love was such that we had to communicate the good news of overlapping dimensions to the world - in an harmonic convergence. We sang a 1000 love songs to the people of the Earth, and finally 24 years down the time tunnel they can begin to hear our yin yang symphony of harmonic convergence.
It is this pouring out of heartfelt love in an effort to communicate the deepest secrets of our heart and mind to others that creates the real energy. This is how we built up the FUEL TANK that would take us smoothly through the COSMIC CHANGEOVER.
Come all ye Priests, Knights, Warriors, Sovereign Lords. Come all that hunger and thirst after equality and righteousness. Spill your love fuel tanks over everyone in the world - Light My Fire! The Messiah said.
The only way out is by Truth and Love... expressed as the great adventure in the practical and skilful use of consciousness in perfect balance. WE FOUND THE EXIT TO THIS PLANETARY SYSTEM! We created new values, new standards of cultural excellence, alternative lifestyles, new forms of money and security for all. We revealed a whole new world of spiritual abundance through co-operation and daily new insights and new understanding of the power of consciousness.
We saw why, in self-righteous arrogance, those in the outer world who believed in violence, would stop at nothing to achieve the total domination of this civilization. Others were apathetic and in a balanced world, the sin of ommission and the sin of commission is the same sin. We saw how these dark forces already possessed the power to destroy all life by military suicide and intercity oppression.
To prepare ourselves for this FINAL-FINEST HOUR Ra Kahn gave us key points for detachment from the old narrative of sin and death. Learn the correct use of consciousness, the only True store of value and source of wealth. Examine what attitudes towards money, ownership, and property cut off your spiritual contact and cause attachment to the centrifugal spinning world in your own life.
Matter is an aggregate of electrons subject entirely to the control of mind. Splicing the New Earth Era, the Yin Yang Era, onto the old narrative was tough and it called for tough love. It challenged The Elohim as never before in Universal history.
Do not deny your Godhead, allow it to reign supreme. Dedicate your talents and all you have of any value, skills, money, finite goods, real estate, whatever, to serving the evolution of life on this planet. DETACHMENT from the possessions and material values is the first step. Test your values and your ideals in real life situations working with others to spiritualize business.
Help to build worlds within worlds and make a firm resolution. COMMON OWNERSHIP and loving husbandry is the the cosmic solution. It is at once an evolutionary instrument and at the same time a very practical solution to Earth's economic and political problems. As we wake up we stop denying the power of Omnipotent Mind. Imagine we all have little strings on us and we are pulling this planet around in one direction or the other - centrifugal or centripetal. We become part of the Cosmic Congregation of our own free will. The True Man's heart is pulling for a new innocence, a new Earth Era. All we have to do is start pulling in a common direction into The Light. It is the RIGHT WAY TO GO.
The Sephirothic Signature of THE ONE which was stamped in the fields of Barbury Castle, indicates the Great Work is complete. Clearly - and not just to The Initiates, this ROYAL SIGNATURE on the completed work of creation says "The Earth is The Lord's and the fullness thereof." We humans had better believe it!
Vol.II Book IV, concerning the Cabala of the Hebrews, there is a circle above the graph of the Sephirothic System. This circle is divided horizontally, the top half being white - the bottom half black. This circle is called the HORIZON OF ETERNITY. It also represents the highest crown in Celtic Alchemy. All intelligent energy follows the Sephirothic path to completion. This image gives rise to perfection. When that which is perfect shall come that which is in part shall pass away... in a great belly-laugh of JHVH, as the Mystery of God comes together in the Sephirothic System. It is the emblem of a Professional Deity, not given to overlook one hair on any head.
Many years ago, an angel came. He stood before me and waved the "Book of Thoth" - a simple version of the unfoldment of the Sephiroth and said "Do you believe in this book?" I replied "I know little about it." "Then study it. For this book is the path that will lead the people home." I have told this story many times to many people. At the time I was teaching esoteric Celtic Philosophy and could see little connection with the Sephiroth.
The dimensional overlap, and the wars of the gods, is well recorded in the annals of human history. WWII is a prime example. As a British WWII vet (ATS) and war-widow, this is the window I have lived through, seeing both the dark side and the light side of the karmic equation.
WWII was the first open round in the battle of the Common Man vs. the New World Order. It is the event best suited to free the human race from bondage to the illusion of "casual" rather than synchronized events. The Sepiroth is the sky ladder of the Hebrew Cabbala. Once we have been through the time barrier and crossed the Horizon of Eternity (as I did in September 1973) it is possible to look back and trace one's journey through the various steps which lead from the Lower Kingdom into the Upper Kingdom of the ONE MIND. From this point we can see right through the past into the future and VINDICATE the Great Work.
There are places where dimensions overlap. The Chateau de Lucinges" in Haute Savoie, France, was one such place. I had a school there. Here historical and modern men met in an interdimensional bubble. One of the key players in this game was Betty Carrol who in her youth had been a girl-friend of the young Adolf Hitler. He believed he was being visited by a great cosmic Master and receiving direct instruction from "The Gods." The last I heard, Betty was living in a Buddhist Monastery in Geneva. She taught me a lot.
The Global Hierarchy knew that Hitler and his Aryan cult seriously believed that the deluge of blood he would bring upon the world would produce a race of Superbeings. One might say he was ANTI-PODE of the SEPHIROTH. But no a word of this leaked out to the public. This era was part of the unfoldment of THE MYTH. The Myth is the unfoldment of the human psyche and the ending of the human curse which finally has the capacity to disinguish overt and covert history. The Matriarch is YIN - The Observer (-1) The Patriarch is YANG - The Actor, the Human Persona, I AM. Each one of us is both an actor in, and an observer of the Great Work.
The curtain comes down in the Theatre of The Illusion - and the Great Amphitheatre of Nuit opens up the Night Sky...
Myth then lights the blind eye, opens the deaf ear, and for those who never cease to wonder, it even raises the dead.
Once upon a time - the MYTHRAIC LAW decrees - let the illusion of "time" pervade, until the piece of the poisoned apple slips out of the throat of Mythical Snow White - with The Prince's mythical kiss. (keep it simple sweetheart - St. Paul said) Then "THEY ALL LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER..." These Cosmic Lovers are Psyche and Eros.
How could the GREAT LOVE STORY of the ages of man end in any other way? How can LOVE have anything other than a happy ending?
Get smart Man - Get with It - Get racing along the path of the Sephiroth - got for the hills - Gods live on the event horizon - be there to meet us. This is your INSTANT EVENT HORIZON - map. The above diagram represents the flow of energy through the TREE OF LIFE - which finally blooms and then fruits. The Fruit of the Tree of Life is maturated, integrated, cohesive, Spiritual-Earth Beings.
For further information on the crop circle Sephiroth, visit and
Introduction: "The Sephirotic Tree of Life" this web page says, "Appeared on 3rd. May 1997, close to the first formation below Barbury Castle, also in oil seed rape. Approximate dimensions: circles 30' diameter, overall size 270'x 174'.
Like the "Mandelbrot Set" at Ickelton, Cambridge in 1991, this is another formation which is not "like" something, but IS something - in this case, a representation of the Tree of Life, the primary glyph or mandala of the Qabalah, "the key and gateway to the occult". It is also the pattern of the "Tree of Life Spread" in Tarot card reading. The glyph (like the formation) is composed of 10 circles and 22 lines. The circles are called Sephiroth (singular, Sephira), or Major Paths of Wisdom, representing established forms of existence, and the lines - the Minor Paths of Wisdom - represent established forms of consciousness; it can be divided into four sections, known as The Four Worlds of the Qabalists."
It represents the TRIUMPH of the invisible world and the end of mankinds "Dreamsleeping state."
We deeply appreciate, and agree with the authors, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Emily Peach and Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki, and John Sawyer, who speculate that "Barbury Castle provides the power, or generative force, which (mystically, psychically and magically) gives rise to the emergence of perfection, harmony and balance through the dualistic nature of the mandala inscribed in the field below it - dualistic in the sense that, while its origin may be rooted (no pun intended!) in the Material World (Assiah), its intention is to lead to the Archetypal World (Atziluth), the highest level of manifest existence. Put another way - it might have been made with planks of wood, but the stomping had spiritual intent!"